Monday 17 August 2009

What would you do? A task for you

OK ... now some work for you ;-)
Think of a technology, tool, or website that you use or would like to use in an EAP teaching context. How would you:
evaluate this technology in terms of the affordances and constraints for promoting learner autonomy?
What would you do with this technology? And how would you ensure that students adopt this technology in ways that enhance their autonomy?
What tools, technologies, websites have you come across that might help students develop their autonomy? Or, anything which you think might constrain their autonomy?
From your perspectives as teachers, how do you use technology?
And, from your experience of this module, how do you feel about contributing (publically) your thoughts in a public domain? How are you managing studying using technology? How might your experiences/feelings etc. as a student on this module influence you as a teacher?

You don't have to answer all these questions ... but I'd like you to pick at least one or two that capture your thoughts. If you could post your comments on the blog by Wednesday evening :-)


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