Wednesday 5 August 2009

Autonomy Reading Materials (4)

Right ... a bit of time to think!
Before we go any further I thought I'd post some readings for you. In my next post I'll be asking you some questions :-)
So ... some key readings.

Smith, R. (2008). 'Learner autonomy' (Key concepts in ELT). ELT Journal 62/4: 395-397
This is a very 'gentle' introduction to autonomy ... shouldn't be taxing at all.

Benson, P. (2006) Autonomy in language teaching and learning. Lang. Teach. 40, 21–40.
This is an excellent review of the literature on autonomy and will help you get a sense for the widespread interest in autonomy.

Little, D. (1995) 'Learning as dialogue: The dependence of learner autonomy on teacher autonomy' System, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 175-181.
Although quite old now, this article is one of the most cited of all. It is worth reading because the relationship between teacher and learner autonomy is made clear (for the first time).

Schmenk, B (2005)'Globalizing Learner Autonomy' TESOL QUARTERLY Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 107-118.
An excellent article presenting some of the key ideas that have helped developed ideas about autonomy in language teaching as well as presenting some of the problems with autonomy.

I will post more articles as the topic progresses.

If you are interested in books on autonomy. I'd suggest you read the following:

Lamb, T and Reinders, H. (eds) (2008) Learner and teacher autonomy : concepts, realities, and responses. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Barfield, A. & Brown, S.H. (eds.) (2007). Reconstructing Autonomy in Language Education: Inquiry and Innovation. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Benson, P. (2001). Teaching and researching autonomy in language learning. London: Longman.

Benson, P. & Voller, P. (1997). Autonomy and independence in language learning. London: Longman.

Jiménez Raya, M., Lamb, T. & Vieira, F. (2007). Pedagogy for Autonomy in Language Education- Towards a Framework for Teacher and Learner Development. Dublin: Authentik.

Erm ... these are not key readings but things I have written on autonomy. The first is related to teacher autonomy and new technologies The second explores issues of trying to promote learner autonomy at Nottingham (this is an earlier unedited version on the chapter).

'Tensions and Conflicts in Fostering Collaborative Teacher Autonomy Online'. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, Volume 3, Issue 1 March 2009 , pages 65 - 81

Theoretical and practical issues in the promotion of collaborative learner autonomy in a virtual self-access centre. In Holmberg, B., Shelley, M., and White, C. (eds.) New Perspectives on Language and Education: Distance Education and Languages. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

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