Monday 17 August 2009

Autonomy and technology (10)

So .... bearing in mind what was outlined in the previous post ... what can tutors do to make the most of the affordances and limit the constraints of technology? Here are some suggestions.

Tutors need to:
deal effectively and comfortably with technical problems;
be highly active in encouraging to encourage learners to participate;
provide high quality feedback;
act as a guide or facilitator;
be sensitive to the needs of participants;
maintain learner motivation;
show enthusiasm and provide encouragement;
provide clarification when necessary;
provide intellectual challenges;
explain learning routes;
show empathy and complicity;
be non-authoritarian, objective, facilitative, patient, informal and accepting;
be creative, flexible, willing, and persistent, and,
provide social contact.

These skills or qualities have merged from the literature ... however the question remains of the extent to which these 'qualities' are specific to teachers using technologies. To me, they seem fairly normal attributes for a classroom teacher.

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