Wednesday 12 August 2009

Autonomy and technology: some references (8)

Hi again,
these are just a very few of the thousands of articles about aspects of on-line learning. Please go and search for articles ... you'll certainly be able to find something of interest. I've included a few articles or chapters that I've found interesting ... I'll add more at a later date. And, don't forget (see this post about getting started) this excellent resource ... particularly vol. 3)

Godwin-Jones, R. 2003. Optimising web course design for language learners. In Language learning online: Towards best practice, ed. U. Felix, 43-56. Lisse, The Netherlands: Swets & Zeitlinger.

Hammond, M. 2005. A review of recent papers on using online discussion within teaching and learning in higher education. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks 9, no. 3: 9-23.

Hirvela, A. 2006. Computer-mediated communication in ESL teacher education. ELT Journal 60, no. 3: 233-41.

Hron, A., and H.F. Friedrich. 2003. A review of web-based collaborative learning: Factors beyond technology. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 19, no. 1: 70-9.

Kreijns, K., P. Kirschnerb, and W. Jochems. 2003. Identifying the pitfalls for social interaction in computer-supported collaborative learning environments: A review of the research. Computers in Human Behaviour 19, no. 3: 335-53.

Lord, G., and L. Lomicka. 2007. Foreign language teacher preparation and asynchronous CMC: Promoting reflective teaching. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education 15, no. 4: 513-32.

McKenzie, W., and D. Murphey. 2000. I hope this goes somewhere’’: Evaluation of an online discussion group. Australian Journal of Educational Technology 16, no. 3: 239-57.

O’Dowd, R. 2003. Understanding ‘the other side’: Intercultural learning in a Spanish-English e-mail exchange. Language Learning and Technology 7, no. 2: 118-44.

O’Dowd, R., and M. Ritter. 2006. Understanding and working with ‘failed communication’ in telecollaborative exchanges. CALICO Journal 61, no. 2: 623-42.

Pawan, F., T.M. Paulus, S. Yalcin, and C-F. Chang. 2003. Online learning: Patterns of engagement and interaction among in-service teachers. Language Learning and Technology 7, no. 3: 119-40.

Sengupta, S. 2001. Exchanging ideas with peers in network-based classrooms: An aid or a pain? Language Learning and Technology 5, no. 1: 103-34.

Vonderwell, S., and S. Zachariah. 2005. Factors that influence participation in online learning. Journal of Research on Technology in Education 38, no. 2: 213-30.

Ware, P.D. 2005. ‘Missed’ communication in online communication: Tensions in a German- American telecollaboration. Language Learning and Technology 9, no. 2: 64-89.

Ware, P.D., and C. Kramsch. 2005. Toward an intercultural stance: Teaching German and English through telecollaboration. Modern Language Journal 89, no. 2: 190-205.

Warschauer, M. 1997. Computer-mediated collaborative learning: Theory and practice. Modern Language Journal 81, no. 3: 470-81.


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