Thursday 1 October 2009


Dear PGCTEAPers,
hope all is well with all of you and you're enjoying the module/course.
I'm e-mailing all of you about a few things.
Firstly, I'm inviting you to join a social networking site I am in the process of setting up for all of CELE - and that includes staff in Malaysia, Ningbo and Nottingham. I am trying to get it to function properly and you're some the first people I've invited. When you receive an invite please join (you won't find a great deal on it at the moment but content will develop). You can set up a PGCTEAP group within the ning site, use the chat function to brainstorm, start a discussion, post a link, whatever you like. Please play with it, use it and tell me what you'd like to see there and what doesn't work :-(
Secondly, I'll be in touch very shortly about inviting colleagues from the OU to discuss new media and academic literacy. We are looking to have an 'academic literacy' week of discussion starting Monday 12th. This will be an excellent opportunity to meet new people doing EAP, test out some of your perhaps vague ideas that you thinking about for your assignment ... and get a bit of stimulation.
There was a third thing ... but I've forgotten!
I'll remember later.
Best wishes

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