Monday 26 October 2009

From the Chinese Ninja

Dear All,

I hope everyone is coping! I would just like to quickly say that I hope you all stay in touch after we finish this module, as I htink we have started to think of some good ideas tha we should try and follow up. I am working a lot on WebCT development, and the creation of the aforementioned 'pathways' for out of class work, and it would be great to hear from anyone who is interested or doing something similar. I decided to write on the value of corpora in EAP in the end, and this has been really interesting too. This is one of many ways that we can incorporate technology into our teaching that seems to have a clear benefit with regard to promoting autonomy (anyone who wants to put themselves through reading my essay at some point can do!!).

Bye for now, and have a great holiday Alex...and thanks for some really interesting insights. I will certainly continue to explore these avenues in my teaching, but I might save the PhD for a while!


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