Sunday 18 October 2009

Dear all,

Firstly I would just like to apologise for not contributing on the blog for a while. I think I have discovered that I am not a very good student for the distance learning course – whoops! I have been trying to catch up with all of your ideas, and it looks like a couple of you are in the same position as me – some ideas that you would like to do, but not enough time to do it in. And yes, I agree with you Phil, it certainly is the ‘panic and write phase’ - which is what I have been doing today!

I have kind of settled on trying to expand on my last assignment, by looking at the Internet as a teaching tool, and the difference in use between novice and experienced EAP teachers. I am looking at it from the slant that experienced teachers would be able to exploit the Internet with a better effect, but novice teachers will be more willing to use the Internet in the classroom. So far – it’s not really going that well, but I am sure (or hoping) that it will all come together in the end.

With regard to the group report Julia – I feel the same as you; I do think that something needs to be done where we can all communicate in some way, as I am finding it very easy to brush things under the carpet the way things are going at the moment. Also, like you, I am not really that up on technology – in fact you sound like you know much more than me – I don’t even know what you are talking about with wikis!

Hope you are all getting on well with the assignments,

Claire : - )

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