Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Hello from blustery Buxton,

thank you for sharing so much information on this assignment.

As for me, right now, I literally can't see the wood for the trees, and vice-versa.
I share Phil's need to be sharing ideas over coffee and following up on them, and I'm also thinking along the lines of exploiting WebCT better for collaborative projects. Like you Phil, I'm looking at Option 2 of the assignment and would like to know more about the use of wikis because I think these would allow us, as well as our students, to create the sense of community and belonging that I think Phil is referring to.

Also, some of us have to write a group report for our needs analysis and having a synchronous forum where we can edit everything, view and give immediate feedback would help us feel like a group - I think? And I think the use of wikis can help with that, as well as the use of virtual rooms that you were talking about Sam. We would have to set dates and times to make sure we 'attended', just like the OU does (Siobhan). I personally really feel the need for us to be doing this for our own sakes, but also to instil such practice in the classroom.

Does what I'm saying make any sense? I kind of feel I don't know enough about the technology but that the potential is there. I just don't know which technological tool would best serve the purpose of creating the group cohesion needed to sustain distance learning and what type of collaborative projects would work better online ....

Julia :-/

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