Sunday, 4 October 2009


And here is another thing :)

This post realates to our assignment for this module.
I have talked to Claire, Sam and Anne, and we have been exchanging a few ideas, which helped me to find a topic that I would be interested in writing about.
I would like to look at the teacher and technology. For that I have asked myself a few qusetions:

Why are some teachers anxiuos to use technology/embrace new technology?
Does every teacher have to be able to use all sorts of technology?
How can technology facilitate teacher autonomy? (Teacher as autonomous learner? Who teaches the teacher?)
Criticality towards technolgy - What make sense, what does not?
How can teachers develop in order to provide sufficient scaffolding for students to fulfil expectations in their courses? (thinking about the use of technology for learning, presentations, research - I know the latter two will covered in other people's work, but I might want to mention it; focus will be on the first one though)

I think, this is a bit much already, but these are some ideas I'd like to look at, so if anyone has any comments, suggestions, articles that might be useful etc, I am happy to receive replies to this.

Just wanted to share this.


Alex said...

Wow ... we are both thinking (a miracle for a Sunday!) and along the same lines (even better!)

Alex said...

Hi Klaus,
I've written about some of the issues you mention and you can downlaod the article at:

The references there might be useful

Klaus Mundt said...

Amazing, isn't it? :) I don't know what's wrong with me on Sundays... it seems, disturbingly, the right day to get some work done.

Thanks for the article. I'll take a look.

Alex said...

Just think ... double pay on Sundays! Yeah!

Klaus Mundt said...

Wish there were more Sundays...

Alex said...

Every day is like Sunday afternoon ... for teachers this is the traditional doom and gloom ... thoughts turn to Monday morning :-)