see you soon!
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
France and assignments
Dear all,
France beckons ... I lived there for almost 15 years ... I began my teaching career more-or-less in earnest there (after a wonderfully surreal but nevertheless false start working for the Ferrari formula one team in Italy). ... virtually all my friends are there... my house and home. So, I'm looking forward to it!
I won't be looking at assignments until NEXT Thursday. If I look in my inbox next Thursday and you have all submitted by then ... I shall be happy. The official deadline is this Friday, I hope you can read between the lines :-)
See you soon and hopefully we can have an enjoyable social evening ...
PS It has been a real pleasure teaching you and I've enjoyed all the contact and communication I've had with you. You've been a really nice and stimulating group of people to teach.
France beckons ... I lived there for almost 15 years ... I began my teaching career more-or-less in earnest there (after a wonderfully surreal but nevertheless false start working for the Ferrari formula one team in Italy). ... virtually all my friends are there... my house and home. So, I'm looking forward to it!
I won't be looking at assignments until NEXT Thursday. If I look in my inbox next Thursday and you have all submitted by then ... I shall be happy. The official deadline is this Friday, I hope you can read between the lines :-)
See you soon and hopefully we can have an enjoyable social evening ...
PS It has been a real pleasure teaching you and I've enjoyed all the contact and communication I've had with you. You've been a really nice and stimulating group of people to teach.
Monday, 26 October 2009
From the Chinese Ninja
Dear All,
I hope everyone is coping! I would just like to quickly say that I hope you all stay in touch after we finish this module, as I htink we have started to think of some good ideas tha we should try and follow up. I am working a lot on WebCT development, and the creation of the aforementioned 'pathways' for out of class work, and it would be great to hear from anyone who is interested or doing something similar. I decided to write on the value of corpora in EAP in the end, and this has been really interesting too. This is one of many ways that we can incorporate technology into our teaching that seems to have a clear benefit with regard to promoting autonomy (anyone who wants to put themselves through reading my essay at some point can do!!).
Bye for now, and have a great holiday Alex...and thanks for some really interesting insights. I will certainly continue to explore these avenues in my teaching, but I might save the PhD for a while!
I hope everyone is coping! I would just like to quickly say that I hope you all stay in touch after we finish this module, as I htink we have started to think of some good ideas tha we should try and follow up. I am working a lot on WebCT development, and the creation of the aforementioned 'pathways' for out of class work, and it would be great to hear from anyone who is interested or doing something similar. I decided to write on the value of corpora in EAP in the end, and this has been really interesting too. This is one of many ways that we can incorporate technology into our teaching that seems to have a clear benefit with regard to promoting autonomy (anyone who wants to put themselves through reading my essay at some point can do!!).
Bye for now, and have a great holiday Alex...and thanks for some really interesting insights. I will certainly continue to explore these avenues in my teaching, but I might save the PhD for a while!
Friday, 23 October 2009
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Stress ... keep going

Dear all,
I imagine you're all suffering with putting your thoughts in writing, cursing the module and wishing you weren't distance students. I just wanted to encourage you to keep going, avoid any existential crisis until the module has finished, and try to do your best when you've got a lot of competition for your attention and thoughts.
I'm off to France on holiday next Thursday (my summer break!) for a while. I've been working non-stop since the beginning of April ... on my PhD, teaching, developing e-materials, working on an open educational resources project, writing papers, taking on staff development, sitting on committees, reviewing papers and so on. The type of work I do now I find interesting and very stimulating. The reason why I mention this is not to boast in any way ... the reason why I can do these activities is partly because I did an MEd (distance!) and that has created a lot of opportunities for me. I am not suggesting that you may want to do the type of things I do, but doing the PGCTEAP and hopefully not stopping there will give you more options professionally and more autonomy in your work. So, even if you're cursing the module (me even!) keep going and I'm sure you'll see the fruits of your work ...
Once the module is over I think we should (minus Phil I'm afraid) meet up, have a meal and celebrate the fact that you're half way there!
I imagine you're all suffering with putting your thoughts in writing, cursing the module and wishing you weren't distance students. I just wanted to encourage you to keep going, avoid any existential crisis until the module has finished, and try to do your best when you've got a lot of competition for your attention and thoughts.
I'm off to France on holiday next Thursday (my summer break!) for a while. I've been working non-stop since the beginning of April ... on my PhD, teaching, developing e-materials, working on an open educational resources project, writing papers, taking on staff development, sitting on committees, reviewing papers and so on. The type of work I do now I find interesting and very stimulating. The reason why I mention this is not to boast in any way ... the reason why I can do these activities is partly because I did an MEd (distance!) and that has created a lot of opportunities for me. I am not suggesting that you may want to do the type of things I do, but doing the PGCTEAP and hopefully not stopping there will give you more options professionally and more autonomy in your work. So, even if you're cursing the module (me even!) keep going and I'm sure you'll see the fruits of your work ...
Once the module is over I think we should (minus Phil I'm afraid) meet up, have a meal and celebrate the fact that you're half way there!
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Dear all,
Firstly I would just like to apologise for not contributing on the blog for a while. I think I have discovered that I am not a very good student for the distance learning course – whoops! I have been trying to catch up with all of your ideas, and it looks like a couple of you are in the same position as me – some ideas that you would like to do, but not enough time to do it in. And yes, I agree with you Phil, it certainly is the ‘panic and write phase’ - which is what I have been doing today!
I have kind of settled on trying to expand on my last assignment, by looking at the Internet as a teaching tool, and the difference in use between novice and experienced EAP teachers. I am looking at it from the slant that experienced teachers would be able to exploit the Internet with a better effect, but novice teachers will be more willing to use the Internet in the classroom. So far – it’s not really going that well, but I am sure (or hoping) that it will all come together in the end.
With regard to the group report Julia – I feel the same as you; I do think that something needs to be done where we can all communicate in some way, as I am finding it very easy to brush things under the carpet the way things are going at the moment. Also, like you, I am not really that up on technology – in fact you sound like you know much more than me – I don’t even know what you are talking about with wikis!
Hope you are all getting on well with the assignments,
Claire : - )
Firstly I would just like to apologise for not contributing on the blog for a while. I think I have discovered that I am not a very good student for the distance learning course – whoops! I have been trying to catch up with all of your ideas, and it looks like a couple of you are in the same position as me – some ideas that you would like to do, but not enough time to do it in. And yes, I agree with you Phil, it certainly is the ‘panic and write phase’ - which is what I have been doing today!
I have kind of settled on trying to expand on my last assignment, by looking at the Internet as a teaching tool, and the difference in use between novice and experienced EAP teachers. I am looking at it from the slant that experienced teachers would be able to exploit the Internet with a better effect, but novice teachers will be more willing to use the Internet in the classroom. So far – it’s not really going that well, but I am sure (or hoping) that it will all come together in the end.
With regard to the group report Julia – I feel the same as you; I do think that something needs to be done where we can all communicate in some way, as I am finding it very easy to brush things under the carpet the way things are going at the moment. Also, like you, I am not really that up on technology – in fact you sound like you know much more than me – I don’t even know what you are talking about with wikis!
Hope you are all getting on well with the assignments,
Claire : - )
Distance Learning: Some final thoughts
Exploring the learner-context interface
The learner-context interface is a theory of distance language learning made up of 3 elements: the learner; the context, and the interface.
The learner.
What the learner brings to learning:
prior knowledge of TL (target language);
prior knowledge of how to learn a language;
prior knowledge of distance learning;
knowledge and skills (learning) relating to other domains and,
beliefs and attitudes within educational, cultural and social settings.
The learner, as an individual, will also have a unique profile based on a number of fixed and dynamic elements. These elements will enormously influence learning.
Factors influencing learning:
innate language acquisition capacity
psycholinguistic processes
cognitive style
self/social/cultural identity
metacognitive knowledge
constructions of self
conceptualisations of learning environment
Given the broad and narrow range of factors affecting acquisition in distance learning environments, it is important to bear these factors in mind when dealing with students at a distance. The more tutors help students understand themselves as learners the better they will be at coping and flourishing in this environment.
The Context.
All of the learner factors described above also interact with the context of learning. The context of distance learning can include:
learning sources
learner support
learning spaces
opportunities for interaction
the community
the learners’ environment
other sources
Notice that the learner factors are mainly made up of elements relating to the individual, whereas the context is largely about how the individual learner relates to others. Significant others not only include students and tutors but may also include friends, family and colleagues. Indeed, the wider network of others interested in the same academic area may also play a significant part in learning (as it did for my own MEd in education).
Think about your own learning in relation to context and to the list above. In particular, have you tried to collaborate with other students on the course? Why (not)? Who provides support for you/who do you help? Post your comments on the blog.
The learner-context interface.
The interface has two meanings according to White (White, 2003):
the place at which learner and context meet, interact and affect one another
the means by which learner and context meet, interact and affect one another
With experience distance learners interact with materials, learners and tutors modifying the learner-context interface. This has an effect on:
preferred ways of learning
matching needs with resources
knowledge of how to learn in this context
metacognitive (self-management skills) development
the interface may facilitate improvements in study skills, language acquisition and/or knowledge of distance learning
The interface is dynamic and individualised. In classrooms teachers mediate all, or most, aspects of learning (planning, assessing, selecting, monitoring, feedback …).
In distance learning the learner has to (situated autonomy) take on many of these tasks. The specific context and individual learner differences will define the interface and with greater experience of DL the interface will modify. In this model the learner is the ‘key agent’ in the construction of the interface
‘Individual learners, with the help of their teachers, are the key agents of the process by whereby particular ICTs are identified as potential tools for language learning; they analyse their potential in terms of their specificity and of their own requirements; they test them, then build them gradually into their language learning environment’
Esch and Zahner, 2000:6
The representation of distance learning by White (and Esch and Zahner) is essentially a dynamic one. It is dynamic because:
needs and preferences change
perceptions of learning context modify
perceptions of the usefulness of TL sources modify
increase in familiarity with DL
increase in self-knowledge
demands of the course modify
successful/less successful learning experiences
feedback from within the learning context
type/extent of interaction preferred may change
preferred learning environments may change
The learner-context interface and sources.
Learning sources are considered central to (distance) learning. Characteristics of DL materials are that they are the sole/main source of instruction. Traditionally distance materials are highly structured and directive leaving little room for students to explore autonomously. There is an underlying assumption that materials are created, then ‘delivered’ to students, and the material is learned. There is also an important assumption (I believe a misconception) that distance means physical distance from the educational establishment. This is, I believe, largely irrelevant. Distance is better understood as psychological distance ( a form of alienation if you prefer) from the course materials, sources and objectives.
A more learner-centred approach to materials might look like this …

The significance of sources in the learner context model is that there is a shift from tutor produced materials being delivered to learners to be processed (input/output) to learners who are active participants in materials/content creation by selecting from and interacting with a range of sources.
This is important because it is the learner who is at the heart of learning and the tutor who is ‘distant’.
The learner-context interface is a theory of distance language learning made up of 3 elements: the learner; the context, and the interface.
The learner.
What the learner brings to learning:
prior knowledge of TL (target language);
prior knowledge of how to learn a language;
prior knowledge of distance learning;
knowledge and skills (learning) relating to other domains and,
beliefs and attitudes within educational, cultural and social settings.
The learner, as an individual, will also have a unique profile based on a number of fixed and dynamic elements. These elements will enormously influence learning.
Factors influencing learning:
innate language acquisition capacity
psycholinguistic processes
cognitive style
self/social/cultural identity
metacognitive knowledge
constructions of self
conceptualisations of learning environment
Given the broad and narrow range of factors affecting acquisition in distance learning environments, it is important to bear these factors in mind when dealing with students at a distance. The more tutors help students understand themselves as learners the better they will be at coping and flourishing in this environment.
The Context.
All of the learner factors described above also interact with the context of learning. The context of distance learning can include:
learning sources
learner support
learning spaces
opportunities for interaction
the community
the learners’ environment
other sources
Notice that the learner factors are mainly made up of elements relating to the individual, whereas the context is largely about how the individual learner relates to others. Significant others not only include students and tutors but may also include friends, family and colleagues. Indeed, the wider network of others interested in the same academic area may also play a significant part in learning (as it did for my own MEd in education).
Think about your own learning in relation to context and to the list above. In particular, have you tried to collaborate with other students on the course? Why (not)? Who provides support for you/who do you help? Post your comments on the blog.
The learner-context interface.
The interface has two meanings according to White (White, 2003):
the place at which learner and context meet, interact and affect one another
the means by which learner and context meet, interact and affect one another
With experience distance learners interact with materials, learners and tutors modifying the learner-context interface. This has an effect on:
preferred ways of learning
matching needs with resources
knowledge of how to learn in this context
metacognitive (self-management skills) development
the interface may facilitate improvements in study skills, language acquisition and/or knowledge of distance learning
The interface is dynamic and individualised. In classrooms teachers mediate all, or most, aspects of learning (planning, assessing, selecting, monitoring, feedback …).
In distance learning the learner has to (situated autonomy) take on many of these tasks. The specific context and individual learner differences will define the interface and with greater experience of DL the interface will modify. In this model the learner is the ‘key agent’ in the construction of the interface
‘Individual learners, with the help of their teachers, are the key agents of the process by whereby particular ICTs are identified as potential tools for language learning; they analyse their potential in terms of their specificity and of their own requirements; they test them, then build them gradually into their language learning environment’
Esch and Zahner, 2000:6
The representation of distance learning by White (and Esch and Zahner) is essentially a dynamic one. It is dynamic because:
needs and preferences change
perceptions of learning context modify
perceptions of the usefulness of TL sources modify
increase in familiarity with DL
increase in self-knowledge
demands of the course modify
successful/less successful learning experiences
feedback from within the learning context
type/extent of interaction preferred may change
preferred learning environments may change
The learner-context interface and sources.
Learning sources are considered central to (distance) learning. Characteristics of DL materials are that they are the sole/main source of instruction. Traditionally distance materials are highly structured and directive leaving little room for students to explore autonomously. There is an underlying assumption that materials are created, then ‘delivered’ to students, and the material is learned. There is also an important assumption (I believe a misconception) that distance means physical distance from the educational establishment. This is, I believe, largely irrelevant. Distance is better understood as psychological distance ( a form of alienation if you prefer) from the course materials, sources and objectives.
A more learner-centred approach to materials might look like this …

The significance of sources in the learner context model is that there is a shift from tutor produced materials being delivered to learners to be processed (input/output) to learners who are active participants in materials/content creation by selecting from and interacting with a range of sources.
This is important because it is the learner who is at the heart of learning and the tutor who is ‘distant’.
Friday, 16 October 2009
Phil in ninja cloak
Dear All,
I can hardly contain my excitement! Alex suggested a proxy server that works, and it is called 'Ninja cloak', which makes it all the more exciting!
With only two weeks left before the deadline, I am afraid that I have, like Sarah, moved away from the idea of basing my assignement on the develpment of pathways, as there just simply won't be time. It does, however, remain a work priority for me this year too, so let's stay in touch! I am now moving on to focus on concordancing, which I have been reading a lot about, and which seems to be a very tangibly useful tool for teaching a very important element of EAP; vocabulary.
On a slightly different note, and just to throw another thought out there really, my thoughts on the value of technology for EAP this week in particular are based on its value to teachers themselves. I facilitated a large staff development session this week at CELE UNNC on the subject of encouraging autonomy amongst students. It seemed like the natural next move after this interesting (one-hour) discussion would be to set up a WebCT discussion board to keep thrashing ideas out, which I am doing now, and it should be ready do next week. It will be really interesting to see how many teachers get involved and how useful they find it, and I think this experiment relates a lot to what we have been talking about. I am particularly thinking about the discussions we had regarding the reluctance of some staff to engage with technology. I will keep you 'post'-ed (ninja cloak permitting)!
As regards an online discussion, I think we are probably all nearing the 'panic and write' phase of the essay development cycle, and so perhaps this is something for after the assignment, when we can perhaps discuss the pathway development ideas, and anything we might get going along the lines of cross campus simulation activities for students?
As a start on pathway stuff, VELA at Hong Kong University (use google search 'VELA Hong Kong' to find it) is pretty good.
Bye for now, and a happy belated 60th anniversary of communist China to you all!
I can hardly contain my excitement! Alex suggested a proxy server that works, and it is called 'Ninja cloak', which makes it all the more exciting!
With only two weeks left before the deadline, I am afraid that I have, like Sarah, moved away from the idea of basing my assignement on the develpment of pathways, as there just simply won't be time. It does, however, remain a work priority for me this year too, so let's stay in touch! I am now moving on to focus on concordancing, which I have been reading a lot about, and which seems to be a very tangibly useful tool for teaching a very important element of EAP; vocabulary.
On a slightly different note, and just to throw another thought out there really, my thoughts on the value of technology for EAP this week in particular are based on its value to teachers themselves. I facilitated a large staff development session this week at CELE UNNC on the subject of encouraging autonomy amongst students. It seemed like the natural next move after this interesting (one-hour) discussion would be to set up a WebCT discussion board to keep thrashing ideas out, which I am doing now, and it should be ready do next week. It will be really interesting to see how many teachers get involved and how useful they find it, and I think this experiment relates a lot to what we have been talking about. I am particularly thinking about the discussions we had regarding the reluctance of some staff to engage with technology. I will keep you 'post'-ed (ninja cloak permitting)!
As regards an online discussion, I think we are probably all nearing the 'panic and write' phase of the essay development cycle, and so perhaps this is something for after the assignment, when we can perhaps discuss the pathway development ideas, and anything we might get going along the lines of cross campus simulation activities for students?
As a start on pathway stuff, VELA at Hong Kong University (use google search 'VELA Hong Kong' to find it) is pretty good.
Bye for now, and a happy belated 60th anniversary of communist China to you all!
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Mind mapping tools
Sarah mentioned mind mapping tools in a previous post. I ve just come across this:
It's really easy to use. Robin Good has used it to map all the best collaborative tools - have a look at:
It's really easy to use. Robin Good has used it to map all the best collaborative tools - have a look at:
If you'd like a very comprehensive list of technology tools available go to:
Saturday, 10 October 2009
back from London and attempting to catch up with activity here, 99 e-mails, and work on the CELE Ning (which you are all invited to join, whether you work at CELE or not. You should have received an invitation ... only a few of you have joined so far).
You might find some interesting articles here for your assiggnments:
PS More from later, no doubt!
back from London and attempting to catch up with activity here, 99 e-mails, and work on the CELE Ning (which you are all invited to join, whether you work at CELE or not. You should have received an invitation ... only a few of you have joined so far).
You might find some interesting articles here for your assiggnments:
PS More from later, no doubt!
Friday, 9 October 2009
Hi All
I've been away from the blog for a while and have come back to a flurry of assignment ideas and activity...aaagh! There's obviously a lot of idea sharing going on and for those of us out on a limb I think the live online discussion sounds great- would it work given the numbers?
In terms of my ideas for the assignment, they are still quite vague and time is closing in. Ideally I'd like to do something practical and originally, like Phil, I was thinking along the lines of using the college VLE (Moodle) to create some sort of a pathway to help students navigate through online EAP resources and direct their self study. My problem is that, given that we don't have any form of VSAC (or indeed currently any EAP Moodle presence) at HAUC, it seems a huge task and not one that fits within the parameters and timescale of the assignment. It is, however, one of my aims for the year workwise (and one of the reasons I enroled on the course in the first place); hence my reluctance to let go of it in terms of this assignment.
The other area that I'm becoming interested in is using concept-mapping tools with students. One of the lecturers a HAUC is very interested in them and we've been working together at using them with both undergraduate and postgraduate students in the process of developing research questions. I had also wondered if this might be a possible method for students to analyse their needs/organise their self study? Could a concept map be used as an interface leading students to the appropriate online resources?
Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Do you use web-based concept mapping tools with students you work with and, if so, how?
I've been away from the blog for a while and have come back to a flurry of assignment ideas and activity...aaagh! There's obviously a lot of idea sharing going on and for those of us out on a limb I think the live online discussion sounds great- would it work given the numbers?
In terms of my ideas for the assignment, they are still quite vague and time is closing in. Ideally I'd like to do something practical and originally, like Phil, I was thinking along the lines of using the college VLE (Moodle) to create some sort of a pathway to help students navigate through online EAP resources and direct their self study. My problem is that, given that we don't have any form of VSAC (or indeed currently any EAP Moodle presence) at HAUC, it seems a huge task and not one that fits within the parameters and timescale of the assignment. It is, however, one of my aims for the year workwise (and one of the reasons I enroled on the course in the first place); hence my reluctance to let go of it in terms of this assignment.
The other area that I'm becoming interested in is using concept-mapping tools with students. One of the lecturers a HAUC is very interested in them and we've been working together at using them with both undergraduate and postgraduate students in the process of developing research questions. I had also wondered if this might be a possible method for students to analyse their needs/organise their self study? Could a concept map be used as an interface leading students to the appropriate online resources?
Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Do you use web-based concept mapping tools with students you work with and, if so, how?
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Hi All
Think that'd be really interesting Siobhan - looking at the dist. learning from a subjective point of view. Some of us managed to get together to discuss our assignments and bounce around ideas. I think, as Julia and Phil have expressed in their posts, that we all seem to prefer this kind of exchange, and if we could set up an synchronous live web discu., we'd probably get a lot out of that. pretty funny too! How do you manage turn-taking?!
Regarding ideas for assignments - option 1 may be more feasible - considering time restraints etc, but Phil's suggestion of a cross-campus study is really interesting and something that'd prob. allow lots of scope for further research post-assignment.
Think that'd be really interesting Siobhan - looking at the dist. learning from a subjective point of view. Some of us managed to get together to discuss our assignments and bounce around ideas. I think, as Julia and Phil have expressed in their posts, that we all seem to prefer this kind of exchange, and if we could set up an synchronous live web discu., we'd probably get a lot out of that. pretty funny too! How do you manage turn-taking?!
Regarding ideas for assignments - option 1 may be more feasible - considering time restraints etc, but Phil's suggestion of a cross-campus study is really interesting and something that'd prob. allow lots of scope for further research post-assignment.
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Hello from blustery Buxton,
thank you for sharing so much information on this assignment.
As for me, right now, I literally can't see the wood for the trees, and vice-versa.
I share Phil's need to be sharing ideas over coffee and following up on them, and I'm also thinking along the lines of exploiting WebCT better for collaborative projects. Like you Phil, I'm looking at Option 2 of the assignment and would like to know more about the use of wikis because I think these would allow us, as well as our students, to create the sense of community and belonging that I think Phil is referring to.
Also, some of us have to write a group report for our needs analysis and having a synchronous forum where we can edit everything, view and give immediate feedback would help us feel like a group - I think? And I think the use of wikis can help with that, as well as the use of virtual rooms that you were talking about Sam. We would have to set dates and times to make sure we 'attended', just like the OU does (Siobhan). I personally really feel the need for us to be doing this for our own sakes, but also to instil such practice in the classroom.
Does what I'm saying make any sense? I kind of feel I don't know enough about the technology but that the potential is there. I just don't know which technological tool would best serve the purpose of creating the group cohesion needed to sustain distance learning and what type of collaborative projects would work better online ....
Julia :-/
thank you for sharing so much information on this assignment.
As for me, right now, I literally can't see the wood for the trees, and vice-versa.
I share Phil's need to be sharing ideas over coffee and following up on them, and I'm also thinking along the lines of exploiting WebCT better for collaborative projects. Like you Phil, I'm looking at Option 2 of the assignment and would like to know more about the use of wikis because I think these would allow us, as well as our students, to create the sense of community and belonging that I think Phil is referring to.
Also, some of us have to write a group report for our needs analysis and having a synchronous forum where we can edit everything, view and give immediate feedback would help us feel like a group - I think? And I think the use of wikis can help with that, as well as the use of virtual rooms that you were talking about Sam. We would have to set dates and times to make sure we 'attended', just like the OU does (Siobhan). I personally really feel the need for us to be doing this for our own sakes, but also to instil such practice in the classroom.
Does what I'm saying make any sense? I kind of feel I don't know enough about the technology but that the potential is there. I just don't know which technological tool would best serve the purpose of creating the group cohesion needed to sustain distance learning and what type of collaborative projects would work better online ....
Julia :-/
New post from Phil in China
Klaus and Anne, Your ideas sound very interesting. Firstly, I think you are on to a good line of thinking, Anne, in discussing 'whether we provide enough develop autonomy' and I can relate to your reflections on putting oneself in the shoes of the students and being quite overwhelmed! Coincidentally I am hosting a 'staff development' discussion next week on autonomy and scaffolding (as a facilitator, and not an expert!), and I will let you know if any interesting technology related comments come up. I am intending to raise similar questions to the ones you have proposed, (and those from you, Klaus), and in particular how we can provide more scaffolding for students, as they do seem to be somewhat reluctant (here at UNNC at least) to dive in at the deep end with regard to autonomous study.
As I mentioned in my previous post, this is no big surprise for me when I stop to consider the sheer volume of options they are presented with in terms of self study. Perhaps, therefore, I will work on developing some WebCT 'pathways' that aim to guide students towards suggested study options, thereby opting for the second type of assignemnt structure (i.e. design materials and write a rationale). I was thinking that recommendations regarding a simple set of specific materials could be made by the computer, according to student responses to a questionairre regarding their own needs (which our students have spent a good deal of time considering during our 3 week introductory module, which ends this week, and I am sure something similar is happening in the UK). I am guessing that this would be easy to set up in WebCT. I hope so! Any thoughts?
Another idea that crossed my mind when considering working together on an assignment was a simulation (Ho and Crookall, 1995), (Gonzalez-Lloret 2003), whereby we could exploit the differences in viewpoint between our two campuses and create some kind of cross-campus online activity for students. Perhaps an extended role play regarding environmental issues with one team representing China and the other the UK, or Europe, (or the United Nations, as the case may be!). I have found that students here get particularly passionate when issues of China's internatinal policy are raised, so I don't think that there would be any shortage of active and passionate volunteers for this. Any ideas on how to develop this into something more realisitic would be welcome, not neccessarily for this module only. (ps- we may even be able to muster a Russian 'team' amongst our small Russian student body!)
Finally, I have to admit that I am a bit jealous that Klaus mentioned a discussion with other students regarding the assignemnt (oh, how I yearn for chats with fellow students over coffee on a british campus!), and would really appreciate being involved in a discussion at some point. Perhaps we could use our new found technological awareness (?!) to set up a live discussion online?
Also, Klaus, have you read David Little's article on teacher autonomy? If not, I can email it to you, as I think it may be relevant to at least one of the points you are thinking of writing about.
Bye for now,Phil.
As I mentioned in my previous post, this is no big surprise for me when I stop to consider the sheer volume of options they are presented with in terms of self study. Perhaps, therefore, I will work on developing some WebCT 'pathways' that aim to guide students towards suggested study options, thereby opting for the second type of assignemnt structure (i.e. design materials and write a rationale). I was thinking that recommendations regarding a simple set of specific materials could be made by the computer, according to student responses to a questionairre regarding their own needs (which our students have spent a good deal of time considering during our 3 week introductory module, which ends this week, and I am sure something similar is happening in the UK). I am guessing that this would be easy to set up in WebCT. I hope so! Any thoughts?
Another idea that crossed my mind when considering working together on an assignment was a simulation (Ho and Crookall, 1995), (Gonzalez-Lloret 2003), whereby we could exploit the differences in viewpoint between our two campuses and create some kind of cross-campus online activity for students. Perhaps an extended role play regarding environmental issues with one team representing China and the other the UK, or Europe, (or the United Nations, as the case may be!). I have found that students here get particularly passionate when issues of China's internatinal policy are raised, so I don't think that there would be any shortage of active and passionate volunteers for this. Any ideas on how to develop this into something more realisitic would be welcome, not neccessarily for this module only. (ps- we may even be able to muster a Russian 'team' amongst our small Russian student body!)
Finally, I have to admit that I am a bit jealous that Klaus mentioned a discussion with other students regarding the assignemnt (oh, how I yearn for chats with fellow students over coffee on a british campus!), and would really appreciate being involved in a discussion at some point. Perhaps we could use our new found technological awareness (?!) to set up a live discussion online?
Also, Klaus, have you read David Little's article on teacher autonomy? If not, I can email it to you, as I think it may be relevant to at least one of the points you are thinking of writing about.
Bye for now,Phil.
Monday, 5 October 2009
Distance learning
Distance learning has been around for a long time of course and used to be called a correspondence course. When I was still at school I did one of my a levels by correspondence course from somewhere called Wolsey Hall and very hard going it was too. Then of course the Open University turned it into an art form and struggling by yourself was enlivened by those amazing printed OU course modules and the TV programmes-not to mention the summer schools.
I'm interested in Sam's comment that you can feel a bit distant from yourself while doing distance learning. I think that is very true for me. When I'm talking to and around other people -bouncing ideas off them etc everything just seems a bit more real (that's a bit sad isn't it?! maybe I should write an assignment about the insecurities of the distance learner). Still its an interesting subject and maybe some subjects lend themselves more to distance learning than others. I must say language learning strikes me as being the very last subject that Iwould want to learn as a distance learner as just by its very nature it is so interactive. Though I suppose if you're very advanced already and brushing up on certain aspects it would be all right though not a lot of fun.
I'm interested in Sam's comment that you can feel a bit distant from yourself while doing distance learning. I think that is very true for me. When I'm talking to and around other people -bouncing ideas off them etc everything just seems a bit more real (that's a bit sad isn't it?! maybe I should write an assignment about the insecurities of the distance learner). Still its an interesting subject and maybe some subjects lend themselves more to distance learning than others. I must say language learning strikes me as being the very last subject that Iwould want to learn as a distance learner as just by its very nature it is so interactive. Though I suppose if you're very advanced already and brushing up on certain aspects it would be all right though not a lot of fun.
Link on Dist. Learning (dist. learning MA and residential)
Distance Learning
Some of the lit. suggests that students on Dist. Learning courses are more concerned with assessment and the need to gain qualifications, research suggests they rarely do it for pleasure? Whereas many students may choose campus-based courses precisely for this reason. Personally, I would choose a distance course due to geographical uncertainty, but not for any other reason. I like to learn through talking and often get frustrated having to be 'stuck' in front of a screen. This interests me - (as it seems the very term 'distance' conveys a certain autonomy or at least freedom from physical or geographical constraint) not knowing where I might be based or because it allows you to study abroad etc. As Klaus suggested it's convenient and often the only option for those who need to upgrade to get on. Certainly in the intinerant nature of tefl - an online Masters seems the only option if you need to continue working. I would say that it's also possible to feel 'distant' from yourself whilst studying online. Indeed the term seems very apt.
I'd like to know your thoughts on studying as a distance learner? If we consider the human interaction that many believe is essential to learning - and that many seem to crave in this context - then would you be content to explore various software or technologies that have been designed to try to 'engage' learners or in some way enable such interaction? I don't feel I would, except in the case of distance learning.
I'd like to know your thoughts on studying as a distance learner? If we consider the human interaction that many believe is essential to learning - and that many seem to crave in this context - then would you be content to explore various software or technologies that have been designed to try to 'engage' learners or in some way enable such interaction? I don't feel I would, except in the case of distance learning.
Heyho:) Thanks for posting your thoughts on assignments. Think the practical slant sounds good Anne. I started to interview teachers about their use of technology in the EAP classroom, particularly PowerPoint/its use as an educational tool in general/in the EAP classroom and its relevance in project classes. I'm also drawn towards looking at Distance Learning and have found a recent (2008) article about 'Unreal PowerPoint' and 'Immersive Environments,' which I thought could be applied to EAP with particular relevance to distance learning. For example, one of the criticisms of PP is the 'linear' nature of rhetoric, in that if used in a less than critical fashipn, the tutor may simply present and read information in the order that it is displayed. It could be argued this might improve structure and cohesion for example, but it could also limit discussion and dialogue etc. In an online 'IE', for example where students 'follow' a presenter into 'rooms' where they can access information about, for instance, 'essay structure;' this traditional linear format of relaying information could be avoided as the presenter could ask the students which 'room' they wanted to explore - or when students activated the software by distance learning, (also enabling revision) they could exercise autonomy by choosing which rooms and in what order they wished to access the rooms. They could also choose to focus on a particular area they were interested in, for example, 'linking words' and collaborate with other students to share their 'expertise.' What do you think?
So far, I've only interviewed Klaus, but it was really interesting, and I'm looking forward to interviewing more teachers this week. It has obv. relevance to project class and I'm interested in how teachers utilise it in the classroom, whether teachers think it should be used in project class etc. Why is it still generally accepted as the dominant form of presentation software? Originally conceived as a 'sales tool' - what implications does that have on its application in education? What are the alternatives? One teacher suggested interactive whiteboards, which are a more recent arrival, which have also been criticised as not being that 'smart.' Having taught project classes and assessed many presentations at another school I worked at, where students were very keen to use PP in this context got me thinking. On asking them why they liked using it, many of the shy students said it gave them more confidence as they hated public speaking. In this context, it can be useful as a tool to prepare students (structure/signposting etc), but all too often it can be relied on as a prop, or a professional mask. On observing students observing other student presentations, many seem to 'glaze over' when PP was used, possibly because the student was not engaging with them (an example of technology as a barrier to communication). Those students who didn't use or overuse PP, generally gave more motivating presentations. (This was not just my perception but based on student feedback.) Again any comments on your experience of this would be appreciated. I would argue that PP was not designed to get us to 'think,' so on that basis I'm not sure it should be used as much as it is, and in the way that it often is, in EAP or education in general.
However, I do admit there are ways to be 'creative' with PP - one interviewee mentioned 'mindmaps.' Can you think of any other ways PP can be used in a more engaging or critical way in EAP? How do you use it yourself? Do you feel it helps you to engage with learners - or does using technology seem to have the potential to 'remove' you somehow from the teaching process? On observing others who use PP in their lectures - teaching etc, they often seem to be going through the motions - having delivered it many times before. Personally, as soon as the homogenous blue-screen is projected, I tend to switch off. It is then down to the speaker to wake me from my hypnosis! (!) (Permanently scarred from a brief stint in travel sales!!) I distinctly dislike being taught through PP, prefering not to be given handouts, then a series of slides, read aloud, which I could easily do at home. I knew a teacher who dressed in a suit and used PP everyday. In feedback, his students considered him lacking in expertise, but that he was a well-prepared teacher. This teacher confided in me that he felt unable to face the class without his ready-made presentations. It is interesting that in one study I read, a teacher who used technology, a lot then relaxed his use of it later in the term, received negative comments in post-course feedback, so if a teacher starts out using technology regularly then stops, this may be perceived negatively by students.
I'm rambling, (!) what are your thoughts on the above and how PP is used in EAP and in Project classes in AE?
Are you comfortable to embrace technology in your teaching?
As Alex suggested on this blog - in the future EAP tutors may be teaching by distance learning - how would you feel about this?
So far, I've only interviewed Klaus, but it was really interesting, and I'm looking forward to interviewing more teachers this week. It has obv. relevance to project class and I'm interested in how teachers utilise it in the classroom, whether teachers think it should be used in project class etc. Why is it still generally accepted as the dominant form of presentation software? Originally conceived as a 'sales tool' - what implications does that have on its application in education? What are the alternatives? One teacher suggested interactive whiteboards, which are a more recent arrival, which have also been criticised as not being that 'smart.' Having taught project classes and assessed many presentations at another school I worked at, where students were very keen to use PP in this context got me thinking. On asking them why they liked using it, many of the shy students said it gave them more confidence as they hated public speaking. In this context, it can be useful as a tool to prepare students (structure/signposting etc), but all too often it can be relied on as a prop, or a professional mask. On observing students observing other student presentations, many seem to 'glaze over' when PP was used, possibly because the student was not engaging with them (an example of technology as a barrier to communication). Those students who didn't use or overuse PP, generally gave more motivating presentations. (This was not just my perception but based on student feedback.) Again any comments on your experience of this would be appreciated. I would argue that PP was not designed to get us to 'think,' so on that basis I'm not sure it should be used as much as it is, and in the way that it often is, in EAP or education in general.
However, I do admit there are ways to be 'creative' with PP - one interviewee mentioned 'mindmaps.' Can you think of any other ways PP can be used in a more engaging or critical way in EAP? How do you use it yourself? Do you feel it helps you to engage with learners - or does using technology seem to have the potential to 'remove' you somehow from the teaching process? On observing others who use PP in their lectures - teaching etc, they often seem to be going through the motions - having delivered it many times before. Personally, as soon as the homogenous blue-screen is projected, I tend to switch off. It is then down to the speaker to wake me from my hypnosis! (!) (Permanently scarred from a brief stint in travel sales!!) I distinctly dislike being taught through PP, prefering not to be given handouts, then a series of slides, read aloud, which I could easily do at home. I knew a teacher who dressed in a suit and used PP everyday. In feedback, his students considered him lacking in expertise, but that he was a well-prepared teacher. This teacher confided in me that he felt unable to face the class without his ready-made presentations. It is interesting that in one study I read, a teacher who used technology, a lot then relaxed his use of it later in the term, received negative comments in post-course feedback, so if a teacher starts out using technology regularly then stops, this may be perceived negatively by students.
I'm rambling, (!) what are your thoughts on the above and how PP is used in EAP and in Project classes in AE?
Are you comfortable to embrace technology in your teaching?
As Alex suggested on this blog - in the future EAP tutors may be teaching by distance learning - how would you feel about this?
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Assignment too!
Okay. I'm also trying to get my head round my assignment. My thoughts are leaning towards what Alex described as a more practical topic. I'm thinking about trying to evaluate how we develop students' library-based research skills, specifically through the project component of the presessional course at CELE. On this course, the students have to find sources through the university online catalogue (UNLOC), the elibrary gateway, or trawling through physical libraries here on campus, to write a 3,000 word project on a topic related to their future major.
It's ironic that I'm sitting here in the Hallward library frustrated at my inability to find relevant articles to read about study skills, critical thinking and student autonomy, using the technology that this coming week I shall be asking my students to do. "Those who can, do; those who can't, teach!" Not sure who said that, but I'm feeling it to be true for me at the moment!
Having taught the project component on the 5-week course in the summer, I've been thinking about what we ask the students to do and how successful or otherwise they are at using the technology to access sources. To get me started I have started asking teachers who have taught this component a few questions about what we do, whether we provide enough support to develop the necessary skills that lead to autonomy, and if not, what we could do to improve this. I think I'm gradually narrowing down to consider a)accessing materials through the portal; b)deciding if the materials are useful/relevant/appropriate; c)storing for retrieval. Then I think I need to evaluate the problems/constraints for both the students and CELE and perhaps come up with some recommendations.
Just writing this down now seems to be helping me to focus - as long as I'm focusing in the right direction! I'd be interested in any comments you may have to make.
Klaus, I've just read through your post and feel that I could be your guinea pig when it comes to the technological obstacles impeding teacher autonomy!!
Back to the search for sources.
It's ironic that I'm sitting here in the Hallward library frustrated at my inability to find relevant articles to read about study skills, critical thinking and student autonomy, using the technology that this coming week I shall be asking my students to do. "Those who can, do; those who can't, teach!" Not sure who said that, but I'm feeling it to be true for me at the moment!
Having taught the project component on the 5-week course in the summer, I've been thinking about what we ask the students to do and how successful or otherwise they are at using the technology to access sources. To get me started I have started asking teachers who have taught this component a few questions about what we do, whether we provide enough support to develop the necessary skills that lead to autonomy, and if not, what we could do to improve this. I think I'm gradually narrowing down to consider a)accessing materials through the portal; b)deciding if the materials are useful/relevant/appropriate; c)storing for retrieval. Then I think I need to evaluate the problems/constraints for both the students and CELE and perhaps come up with some recommendations.
Just writing this down now seems to be helping me to focus - as long as I'm focusing in the right direction! I'd be interested in any comments you may have to make.
Klaus, I've just read through your post and feel that I could be your guinea pig when it comes to the technological obstacles impeding teacher autonomy!!
Back to the search for sources.
And here is another thing :)
This post realates to our assignment for this module.
I have talked to Claire, Sam and Anne, and we have been exchanging a few ideas, which helped me to find a topic that I would be interested in writing about.
I would like to look at the teacher and technology. For that I have asked myself a few qusetions:
Why are some teachers anxiuos to use technology/embrace new technology?
Does every teacher have to be able to use all sorts of technology?
How can technology facilitate teacher autonomy? (Teacher as autonomous learner? Who teaches the teacher?)
Criticality towards technolgy - What make sense, what does not?
How can teachers develop in order to provide sufficient scaffolding for students to fulfil expectations in their courses? (thinking about the use of technology for learning, presentations, research - I know the latter two will covered in other people's work, but I might want to mention it; focus will be on the first one though)
I think, this is a bit much already, but these are some ideas I'd like to look at, so if anyone has any comments, suggestions, articles that might be useful etc, I am happy to receive replies to this.
Just wanted to share this.
This post realates to our assignment for this module.
I have talked to Claire, Sam and Anne, and we have been exchanging a few ideas, which helped me to find a topic that I would be interested in writing about.
I would like to look at the teacher and technology. For that I have asked myself a few qusetions:
Why are some teachers anxiuos to use technology/embrace new technology?
Does every teacher have to be able to use all sorts of technology?
How can technology facilitate teacher autonomy? (Teacher as autonomous learner? Who teaches the teacher?)
Criticality towards technolgy - What make sense, what does not?
How can teachers develop in order to provide sufficient scaffolding for students to fulfil expectations in their courses? (thinking about the use of technology for learning, presentations, research - I know the latter two will covered in other people's work, but I might want to mention it; focus will be on the first one though)
I think, this is a bit much already, but these are some ideas I'd like to look at, so if anyone has any comments, suggestions, articles that might be useful etc, I am happy to receive replies to this.
Just wanted to share this.
Assignments and other info
Dear all,
I've had a number of meetings and e-mails regarding the assignments. I've been really enthused by your suggestions so far and it is encouraging to see a diversity of questions and interests. Perhaps we're getting to a point where you'd like to peer review some of your ideas for assignments and get some friendly feedback from other participants?
Can I suggest you post your current thoughts on what you'd like to write about for your assignments on the blog? I think a bit of brainstorming might be very useful for everyone.
A second point is that I'm thinking of having our 'academic literacy' week starting next Monday week i.e. starting the 12th of October. This would be great as a means to discuss the ideas emerging from your assignments and readings with other EAP practitioners from the OU and perhaps other colleagues from CELE? We could do this on the this blog OR I could set up another space for this to take plae if you prefer. Could you let me know your thoughts (through the blog and not e-mail so all can see) asap?
I've had a number of meetings and e-mails regarding the assignments. I've been really enthused by your suggestions so far and it is encouraging to see a diversity of questions and interests. Perhaps we're getting to a point where you'd like to peer review some of your ideas for assignments and get some friendly feedback from other participants?
Can I suggest you post your current thoughts on what you'd like to write about for your assignments on the blog? I think a bit of brainstorming might be very useful for everyone.
A second point is that I'm thinking of having our 'academic literacy' week starting next Monday week i.e. starting the 12th of October. This would be great as a means to discuss the ideas emerging from your assignments and readings with other EAP practitioners from the OU and perhaps other colleagues from CELE? We could do this on the this blog OR I could set up another space for this to take plae if you prefer. Could you let me know your thoughts (through the blog and not e-mail so all can see) asap?
Thoughts on distance learning
All right, I have a few thoughts on the task, so my views of distance learning in relation to the posts on this blog.
What definitely strikes me as true are the following:
"...the learner is more isolated than most students, is required to maintain/sustain motivation without direct and immediate support from peers and teachers..."
"...requires the learner to manage both the rate and direction of learning. This, inevitably, requires an accurate knowledge of self as a learner. Distance learning environments use technologies and structures (technological and pedagogical) that might be unfamiliar to students. Students need to develop new skills, motivations and commitments to take full advantage of distance learning environments."
While it is also true that distance learning has quite a few advantages, the above points stress that it is, in the form it is currently widely available, a very lonely business. Of course, it is great to be able to manage one's studies oneself. The distance learner is only bound by deadlines. Where I conduct my studies, sitting in bed as I am doing it right now, lazing on a beach on Bali as I would like to be doing it right now or at midnight or 3 in the morning is entirely my business. Given some decent time management skills, that can be great because I can create my own favourite learning environment and not worry about being in a certain classroom at a certain time with certain people. Also, if I felt like, I could get my certificate or degree from an overseas university with appealing programmes. But we all know this.
So here are some thoughts on the downsides of distance learning, and to be honest, I think there are a lot that, in sum, can make a distance course much more difficult to complete successfully than a face to face course.
At times, the learner may simply feel lost. Communication is more complicated than on campus, a tutor might be on leave or not reply to an e-mail, fellow students may not be very keen to communicate with each other for various reasons, and it is entirley possible that a student (I know that from myself and other friends who have taken distance courses)reaches the point where he or she says "Why the hell am I doing this?", as there seems to be limited interes in what they are doing.
The presonal factor very often drops away. People simply do not know each other. The OU, for example, offers one tutorial a month in which students meet the person who marks their assignments. That is not very much and can hardly create a good relation or any form of trust between the student and the institution/teacher. I am currently in the lucky position that I know all the convenors of this course personally and see them every know and again. If that weren't the case, I might think differently about this course, even though there is certianly a lot of effort, proven by e.g. this blog, to keep communication going. But I guess that is the nature of distance learning, which brings me to the next point: Motivation. As I said before, it is great that the distance learner can create their learning environment - if that is a lot of help after a busy day at work is another matter of course:) I think it is easy to loose focus or simply let down one's guard for a while, and suddenly you have missed a few things that seem important, so, I guess everyone can relate to that, one has to quickly catch up with the reading (e.g. the posts on the blog, the recommended articles for a task etc.), which actually makes it difficult to maintain their favourite work environment. Another effect is that, only a few weeks away from the next assignment deadline, a student might only have a rather vague idea of they want to write about, let alone what to read for the assignment. I am usually not the type of person that leaves everything to the last minute, but when I do a distance course (this is not the first one, but the first one with a university), I tend to work in "bursts" of activity. I do a big chunk of work in a very short time and keep repeating that every few days until it is finished. Unfortunately, I very much prefer learning continuously to keep the strain low, but with distance learning, this seems to be my way... I know that I am not alone with that, so perhaps there even is a pattern. Someone apply for funding and research this please :)
I guess what I want to say is that distacne learning can be a really good thing if lacking alternatives (working full-time doesen't leave a lot of alternatives, does it?). It requires a lot of skills, though, that a student would not need to that extent in a face to face course. Certainly that is also true for the tutors, who have to communicate via the same channels as the students and have to keep track of a studnet's "presence" and paricipation in the virtual classroom.
I believe that distance learning will improve a lot, and I know that synchronous learning is alos possible through, i.e., online lectures and tutorials, provided the appropriate technology is available to all involved.
To answer the task question, yes, a lot of the things mentioned do ring true for me as a distance learner, and I think there is a lot of awareness of the student's issues in distance learning. That is a good starting point on which can be built to make distance learning a more attractive and satisfying experience for learners.
What definitely strikes me as true are the following:
"...the learner is more isolated than most students, is required to maintain/sustain motivation without direct and immediate support from peers and teachers..."
"...requires the learner to manage both the rate and direction of learning. This, inevitably, requires an accurate knowledge of self as a learner. Distance learning environments use technologies and structures (technological and pedagogical) that might be unfamiliar to students. Students need to develop new skills, motivations and commitments to take full advantage of distance learning environments."
While it is also true that distance learning has quite a few advantages, the above points stress that it is, in the form it is currently widely available, a very lonely business. Of course, it is great to be able to manage one's studies oneself. The distance learner is only bound by deadlines. Where I conduct my studies, sitting in bed as I am doing it right now, lazing on a beach on Bali as I would like to be doing it right now or at midnight or 3 in the morning is entirely my business. Given some decent time management skills, that can be great because I can create my own favourite learning environment and not worry about being in a certain classroom at a certain time with certain people. Also, if I felt like, I could get my certificate or degree from an overseas university with appealing programmes. But we all know this.
So here are some thoughts on the downsides of distance learning, and to be honest, I think there are a lot that, in sum, can make a distance course much more difficult to complete successfully than a face to face course.
At times, the learner may simply feel lost. Communication is more complicated than on campus, a tutor might be on leave or not reply to an e-mail, fellow students may not be very keen to communicate with each other for various reasons, and it is entirley possible that a student (I know that from myself and other friends who have taken distance courses)reaches the point where he or she says "Why the hell am I doing this?", as there seems to be limited interes in what they are doing.
The presonal factor very often drops away. People simply do not know each other. The OU, for example, offers one tutorial a month in which students meet the person who marks their assignments. That is not very much and can hardly create a good relation or any form of trust between the student and the institution/teacher. I am currently in the lucky position that I know all the convenors of this course personally and see them every know and again. If that weren't the case, I might think differently about this course, even though there is certianly a lot of effort, proven by e.g. this blog, to keep communication going. But I guess that is the nature of distance learning, which brings me to the next point: Motivation. As I said before, it is great that the distance learner can create their learning environment - if that is a lot of help after a busy day at work is another matter of course:) I think it is easy to loose focus or simply let down one's guard for a while, and suddenly you have missed a few things that seem important, so, I guess everyone can relate to that, one has to quickly catch up with the reading (e.g. the posts on the blog, the recommended articles for a task etc.), which actually makes it difficult to maintain their favourite work environment. Another effect is that, only a few weeks away from the next assignment deadline, a student might only have a rather vague idea of they want to write about, let alone what to read for the assignment. I am usually not the type of person that leaves everything to the last minute, but when I do a distance course (this is not the first one, but the first one with a university), I tend to work in "bursts" of activity. I do a big chunk of work in a very short time and keep repeating that every few days until it is finished. Unfortunately, I very much prefer learning continuously to keep the strain low, but with distance learning, this seems to be my way... I know that I am not alone with that, so perhaps there even is a pattern. Someone apply for funding and research this please :)
I guess what I want to say is that distacne learning can be a really good thing if lacking alternatives (working full-time doesen't leave a lot of alternatives, does it?). It requires a lot of skills, though, that a student would not need to that extent in a face to face course. Certainly that is also true for the tutors, who have to communicate via the same channels as the students and have to keep track of a studnet's "presence" and paricipation in the virtual classroom.
I believe that distance learning will improve a lot, and I know that synchronous learning is alos possible through, i.e., online lectures and tutorials, provided the appropriate technology is available to all involved.
To answer the task question, yes, a lot of the things mentioned do ring true for me as a distance learner, and I think there is a lot of awareness of the student's issues in distance learning. That is a good starting point on which can be built to make distance learning a more attractive and satisfying experience for learners.
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Dear PGCTEAPers,
hope all is well with all of you and you're enjoying the module/course.
I'm e-mailing all of you about a few things.
Firstly, I'm inviting you to join a social networking site I am in the process of setting up for all of CELE - and that includes staff in Malaysia, Ningbo and Nottingham. I am trying to get it to function properly and you're some the first people I've invited. When you receive an invite please join (you won't find a great deal on it at the moment but content will develop). You can set up a PGCTEAP group within the ning site, use the chat function to brainstorm, start a discussion, post a link, whatever you like. Please play with it, use it and tell me what you'd like to see there and what doesn't work :-(
Secondly, I'll be in touch very shortly about inviting colleagues from the OU to discuss new media and academic literacy. We are looking to have an 'academic literacy' week of discussion starting Monday 12th. This will be an excellent opportunity to meet new people doing EAP, test out some of your perhaps vague ideas that you thinking about for your assignment ... and get a bit of stimulation.
There was a third thing ... but I've forgotten!
I'll remember later.
Best wishes
hope all is well with all of you and you're enjoying the module/course.
I'm e-mailing all of you about a few things.
Firstly, I'm inviting you to join a social networking site I am in the process of setting up for all of CELE - and that includes staff in Malaysia, Ningbo and Nottingham. I am trying to get it to function properly and you're some the first people I've invited. When you receive an invite please join (you won't find a great deal on it at the moment but content will develop). You can set up a PGCTEAP group within the ning site, use the chat function to brainstorm, start a discussion, post a link, whatever you like. Please play with it, use it and tell me what you'd like to see there and what doesn't work :-(
Secondly, I'll be in touch very shortly about inviting colleagues from the OU to discuss new media and academic literacy. We are looking to have an 'academic literacy' week of discussion starting Monday 12th. This will be an excellent opportunity to meet new people doing EAP, test out some of your perhaps vague ideas that you thinking about for your assignment ... and get a bit of stimulation.
There was a third thing ... but I've forgotten!
I'll remember later.
Best wishes
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