Saturday 19 September 2009

Update on the module

Dear all,
the summer presessional programme has just finished at CELE. Anne, Klaus, Sam and Claire are all off on a well-deserved break from CELE. Julia is heading to the countryside and her family. This means that there is unlikely to be much activity in the next week or so from a number of particpants. Phil is in China and has been very quiet due to the fact that China appears to be blocking this blog. I'm sending him updates as and when.
I will continue to add content to the blog though throughout next week. And I'd be very happy to hear from Sarah, Phil and Siobhan next week.

I've had a couple of requests for clarification regarding assignments. The deadline is as stated in the handbook (the 30th of October I think). The topic and scope of the assignment is open to discussion. However, it must have an EAP and technology focus. It can be theoretical, practical, a small scale research project ... we can talk about it once you get an idea of what you'd like to do.

I'd really like it if we could discuss assignments on the blog. That way we can all contribute to making assignments better. There might be overlap on topics and I'd be delighted if you collaborated on writing the assignmnents by sharing references, perhaps writing on the same topic from different perpsectives, editing and commenting on each other's work. Basically, assignments are not competitive, so perhaps we could all help each other a bit and use various bits of technology (google groups, the blog, google docs, word ...) to support each other. Obviously, no obligation to do so, but I think it would be really interesting to write in a more collaborative manner. What do you think?

As for help with topics and titles, I can provide guidance on this, please ask and we'll start the ball rolling when you're ready.

Right ... now for the potatoes


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