Sunday 13 September 2009

SLA, New Technologies and EAP (6): Socio-affective factors

Socio-affective Factors influencing SLA.

In addition to the cognitive factors described in the previous posts, there are also a number of socio-affective factors which can influence successful SLA (this is also based on Skehan’s account).
Socio-affective factors in a task-based approach leading to successful second language acquisition
WTC (willingness to communicate) is the key factor. Learners need to seek opportunities for communication and use them. 10 factors influence whether opportunities to communicate will be taken.

1. Desire to communicate with a particular person
2. Communicative self-confidence at a particular moment
3. Interpersonal motivation
4. Intergroup affiliation
5. Self-confidence
6. Intergroup attitudes
7. Social situation
8. Communicative competence
9. Intergroup climate
10. Personality

Think about how, as a teacher of EAP, you could encourage WTC using new technologies? Focusing on cognitive factors would seem more straight-forward as attention to linguistic features etc. could be built into the design of a module. Attending to socio-affective factors, as a teacher, might require more thought.

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