I'd like to recommend two books which I have found very useful in shaping my own thinking on technology and teaching.
Online Communication in Language Learning and Teaching

AUTHOR(S): Marie-Noƫlle Lamy & Regine Hampel
Online Communication in Language Learning and Teaching offers theoretical and practical as well as research perspectives for approaching technologies that supportonline communication for language learning. Examining tools such as forums, chats,audio and visual real-time platforms as well as virtual worlds and mobile devices, and reviewing the literature that deals with such tools in use in educational settings, the authors identify key theoretical issues (e.g. pedagogic developments in online language learning, learning theories, teacher and student experience, assessment) and offer a thorough appraisal of the potential benefits and challenges of learning and teaching alanguage via these technologies. The authors talk directly and practically to teachers about research issues of relevance to them and suggest do-able small-scale projects, as well as providing an extensive annotated collection of online resources.
Language Learning in Distance Education

AUTHOR: Cynthia White
'Not only does White offer a comprehensive guide to the study of languages at a distance, but much credit should also be given to the author for her successful efforts in unraveling the ever increasing number of competing definitions, overlapping concepts and eclectic approaches that have mushroomed in the field in recent years. Indeed, although White states that the volume will be of particular interest to anyone who has [already] worked within distance learning contexts, I would argue that it is just as suitable for readers with little or no prior expertise in language learning at a distance ... I can hardly recommend Language learning in distance education highly enough, as a truly groundbreaking contribution to the study of its topic ... provides a sound basis for future research into how distance language learners respond to and reconceptualize their particular learning environments.'
Open Learning
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